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- '..A test of Extra-Halfbrite screen mode in ACE.
- '..Based upon a C program in "Inside Amiga Graphics", p 263-266.
- '..David J Benn, August 1994.
- DEFINT a-z
- const nibble = 4
- screen 1,320,200,6,6
- for i=0 to 31
- read RGB
- R = SHR(RGB AND &H0F00,2*nibble)
- G = SHR(RGB AND &H00F0,nibble)
- B = RGB AND &H000F
- palette i,R/15,G/15,B/15
- next
- '..color-table
- DATA &H888,&HF00,&H0F0,&H00F
- DATA &HA04,&H0A4,&HA40,&H40A
- DATA &H4A0,&H04A,&HAA0,&HA0A
- DATA &H953,&H369,&H84A,&HC3B
- DATA &H8E4,&H5CB,&H678,&H983
- DATA &H77A,&H9B4,&HD4D,&HCF7
- DATA &H3B9,&H95E,&HDD5,&H4F7
- window 1,,(0,0)-(320,200),32,1
- '..demo
- for c=0 to 15
- {* color bars for colors 0..15 *}
- color c
- line (18*c,20)-(18*c+17,40),,bf
- {* ...and the halfbrite versions *}
- color c+32
- line (18*c,50)-(18*c+17,70),,bf
- {* color bars for colors 16..31 *}
- color c+16
- line (18*c,110)-(18*c+17,130),,bf
- {* ...and the halfbrite versions *}
- color c+48
- line (18*c,140)-(18*c+17,160),,bf
- next
- while inkey$="":sleep:wend
- window close 1
- screen close 1